Rules for Provincial Play

Below are a select number of items from the OMFLL Operating Policy that address the common questions that generally arise during Provincials.

Most notably: Tie games stand in Round Robin play. Sudden victory OT is used in elimination and Medal games.


  • World Lacrosse rules will be in effect for all games unless otherwise directed and approved by the OMFLL and OLA.
  • All players’ sticks must abide by the World Lacrosse specifications. Full wooden sticks are not to be allowed.
  • U13 and under are allowed a 34” stick in length as a minimum length. 40” for everyone above U13.
  • Game Times: U11 modified rules and field size. Represented in OMFLL Policy Paper, Appendix 4.
  • Game Times: U13: 12 minute quarters (last 2 minutes of 4th quarter stop time)
  • Game Times: U15 and U17: 15 minute quarters (last 2 minutes of 4th quarter stop time)
  • Half Time: 5 minutes
  • Time Outs: 2 per game, taken at any time in the game.
  • Tied games will stand in regular season play and Provincial round robin play.
  • Overtime in Elimination games in Provincials: Sudden Victory will be played using 4 minute stop time periods.
  • MR7.08 OLA Tie-Breaker Formulas will be used in the event of a tie between teams in points for determination of standings: (1) Head to Head (2) Goal Average Formula (3) Least Penalty Minutes. See rule for full details.
  • Spectator Ejections will continue to be fined $100.00 as per OMFLL Policy Paper
  • MR7.13 Any team who withdraws from a game at any point in invitational or provincial tournaments must default the remainder of their scheduled games
  • Disciplinary Hearings will be head if affecting remaining scheduled games. Hearings will be held onsite with player, coach and OMFLL committee.

For more information and Rules, please visit the OMFLL Policy Paper and OLA Rules & Regulations.


  • Teams must have a minimum of 8 players to ensure competitive games. (7 runners and a goalie).
  • 2 attack players, 3 middies, 2 defenders and a goalie will comprise a team on the field.
  • Games consist of two 25 min. halves with a 3-minute halftime. Stop time last 2 minutes of second half, only if score difference is 5 or less.
  • If a team falls behind by 8 or more goals, they are awarded the ball at midfield after they have been scored on.
  • A maximum of 2 long poles may be on the field per team. Maximum length of long stick is 52 ", minimum is 42”.
  • Fields will be approx. 60 yards long and 50 yards wide.